Emine Sedef NAZLI
Emine Sedef NAZLI
Education: Middle East Technical University Industrial Engineering, Ankara, 1989
Job experience: Between 1989 and 2016, she worked as a Public Services System Specialist, Technical Support Team Leader, and Technical Services Senior Manager at IBM Turk Limited Company.
Knowledge, Skills, and Experiences: 30 years of experience in technology, data, security, risk management, business process analysis and management. She is a person who likes to work, has team spirit, high motivation, coaching skills and is compatible in human relations. She has nearly 30 years of IT experience, is aware of sectoral developments, a good manager, an expert in business process analysis and management, prioritizes customer and employee satisfaction, can take measurable risks, has high business discipline and motivation.
Education: Middle East Technical University Computer Engineering, Ankara, 1986
Job experience: Between 1989 and 2019, he worked as a Services Department Manager, Assistant General Manager responsible for Solution Partners and most recently Cloud and Software Country Manager at IBM Turk Limited Company. He also served as the Sales Director of IBM South East Europe for a while.
Knowledge, Skills, and Experiences: 35 years of experience in technology, cloud, IT services, distribution channels, sales and strategy.
Gökçenur BiLGiN
Head of Legal
Gökçenur BiLGiN
Education: Marmara University Faculty of Law 2012-2016, Istanbul University MBA 2018-2019
Job experience: Kılıç Law Firm, Legal Intern
Knowledge, Skills, and Experiences: She has worked in the fields of entrepreneurship, merger, board of directors, personal data protection and contract for companies and has taken part in various litigation in these branches. She worked in the fields of compliance law, labor law, criminal law and tax law.
Business and Compliance Analyst
Education: Yıldırım Beyazıt University Management Information Systems (MIS)-Bachelor-2018
Hacettepe University Information Management-Master's-2020
Job experience: Compliance Consultant at Tunesoft
Knowledge, Skills, and Experiences: She works in knowledge management, database management and blockchain. She is a person who is highly motivated, loves to work, works disciplined, is prone to teamwork and is open to learning.